Monday, September 17, 2007

Welcome to the Kucinich Flashmob Contest!

Welcome to the Kucinich Flashmob for Peace contest! We're asking for you to create the most creative and effective flashmobs for peace that you can.

What is a flashmob? Well, in case you aren't familiar with the term, a flashmob is a spontaneous event where a lot of people gather together to temporarily take over a public place, like a cafeteria, a shopping mall, or local landmark, for a coordinated and (usually) unrehearsed action. They are most often silly, and serve to be amusing to those involved, as well as those watching.

Why not start having flashmobs with a conscience? We here at the Kucinich Campaign would like you to create the mostive inventive and effective flashmobs you can to get the message of Peace across to those in the public area. Be sure to video tape your action, put it up on youtube, and send a link to

Each week the best three videos submitted to us will be featured on the Kucinich Contest Blog, and the top three winners over all will get big wonderful prizes!

Here are some quick tips on how to make an amazing submission:

1) Be creative: make your flashmob fun and as attention grabbing as possible. Holding a sign on a street corner is one thing. Holding a spontaneous parade is another.

2) Be efficient: you don't have to spend a lot of money to make great public awareness. Think about what you already have laying around, and what you can get in and out of an area with as quickly as possible. Elaborate setups and flashmobs do not generally mix well. Make sure that it's something that doesn't need to be rehearsed much-- it should appear as spontaneous as possible.

3) Be Big: make sure that your action maximizes your exposure. Execute your plan in as high-traffic area as you can

4) Be Smart: Observe local ordinances and laws. Don't trespass, don't vandalize; in short-- don't break the law.

5) Be safe: We don't want you to do anything where you'd injure yourself. We want you to be at the polls, not in traction.

Now that you're ready, arm yourself with supplies, get some friends together AND START FLASH-MOBBING FOR PEACE!

(and after you're done, please send your contest submissions to:

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